Photos of my MSW Journey


First day in Grad School

I'm here!

First day of school for everyone (except my husband): MSW Clinical Specialization, Grade 1, Grade 5, and Grade 6

Together even when we are apart

Coffee. The ONLY food group that really counts in grad school.

The book budget kinda blows up!

The writing process is not easy after so many years away from university! Still, it has been incredibly rewarding.

Social Work Policy with Dr. Mishka Lysack was a very influential and deeply moving course to start my degree with.

Gratitude for all the opportunities.

My study "desk" (time with family is so precious!)

When writing paper is hard...

Using metaphors to shift my thinking was sometimes... muddy.

Grad school in a nutshell

November. Hard month.

The only OTHER food group that counts. Can't do grad school without these. Nope.

Fascinating reading with breakfast, coffee, lunch, snack, bus ride, dinner, bedtime. Repeat.

I loved working with children!

So much to read and so little time!

I corresponded with Vikki Reynolds because I was so very inspired by her ideas on Ethical Stance for Social Justice!

Inspiration for creativity and aliveness from an awesome improv teacher!

The outcome of three social workers committing to a small social work action!

What would I do without coffee?

Unexpected and amazing gift of encouragement.
